Archeology And The Bible
(More To Be Added!)
Archeology helps confirm the truth and reliability of the Bible. In addition, the many fantastic finds bring new light to the people, places, cultures and times of the biblical period. Archeology proves the skeptics wrong and the Bible to be true.
There are two very important issues of significance concerning the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first area of significance is that in the past, skeptical scholars have assumed that the most ancient Biblical manuscripts, prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, were filled with errors and editorial changes. These critical scholars believed that since the Bible was hand-copied, the copies we have today would be very different from the original manuscripts. As it has turned out, the Dead Sea Scrolls have proven the accuracy of the manuscripts we've had all along. You see, the Dead Sea Scrolls are about 1,000 years older than the previous Biblical ancient manuscripts called the Apello Codex . So when scholars compared the Apello Codex text, dating back to about 945 A.D., with the Dead Sea Scrolls which dates to at least 100 years prior to Christ, they discovered only minor and insignificant differences. This confirmed the reliability of the Scriptures that we've had all along.
The second great significance of the Scrolls is when considering Biblical Prophecy. It's tempting for the critical scholars and lay people to think that the Biblical prophecies were written after they happened, making them "not" prophecies at all. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved that this was not so. The Dead Sea Scroll manuscripts, which are copies, are dated from 300 to 100 B.C. There is a complete Scroll of the Book of Isaiah, and a second which is almost complete. Isaiah has numerous prophesies that were fulfilled by Jesus including that wonderful prophecy in Isaiah, Chapter 53. Since the Isaiah Scrolls are dated to about 250 B.C., this confirms these passages to not only be prophetic, but they give further evidence that the Bible is true. Watch the full-length video below to learn more.
"Watch Archeology And The Bible On Bible Discovery TV!"
"The REAL Mount Sinai Found EXACTLY As The Bible States!"
Watch this amazing documentary (to the left) to see the real Mt. Sinai exactly as the Bible States along with all the other sites around Mt. Sinai that the Bible tells us about some of the landmarks the Israelites passed and saw, including the rock that God instructed Moses split to miraculously give the Israelites water in the desert!

"Archaeology & The Bible - The Stones Cry Out!"
How Archaeology Has Been Able To Prove The Bible Is Historical Fact!
"The Dead Sea Scrolls"

The video to the left has alot of information on it to be read along with listening to the video. This video is narrated by archaeologist, Dr. Randall Price. Each frame will stay up for 30 seconds so if you need longer to read it, just pause the video. If you watch it in full screen mode, it's also easy to read. Enjoy!
Biblical Archaeology
"Scrolls 2000 Years Old Prove the Bible"
Dr. Patton is the staff Geologist for the Qumran Plateu excavation in Israel, the site that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls some 2,000 years ago. These scrolls, perhaps the most significant archeological discovery of all time, have changed the way we view the Bible. Many have been led to believe that the original text of the Bible has deteriorated over years of copying and recopying. The Dead Sea Schrolls provide a test of that hypothesis, allowing us to compare modern versions with recently discovered manuscripts written over 2,000 years ago. Dr. Patton will take you to the same scene of the original caves where the scrolls were discovered with one of the Bedouins who made the discovery. This is a fascinating story with eternal implications. Dr. Patton has a broad educational background; four years at Florida College, Temple Terrace, FL (Bible); two years at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN (Geology); two years at Indiana Univ./Purdue Univ., Indianapolis, IN (Geology); two years, Pacific School of Graduate Studies. He has worked as Geologist in US, Canada, Australia, England, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Cambodia, Israel, and Jordan. Dr. Patton has participated in dinosaur excavations in Colorado, Texas, Utah, Wyoming and Canada. He is credited with excavating the longest consecutive dinosaur trail in North America, totaling 157 tracks, extending over 500 feet. He is a member of the Geological Society of America and was a speaker at their 1997 annual convention. Dr. Patton lectures at universities across the United States. He has conducted up to twelve Creation/Evolution Seminaries a year for twenty five years. He has participated in numerous public debates on creation/evolution including radio and TV debates. He has testified three times before Texas State Textbook Committee, Austin, TX. Presently, Dr. Patton is consulting geologist & partner in Mazada Corporation, Dallas, TX. He is a staff geologist of the Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, TX, staff geologist for the Qumran Plateau excavation in Israel.
See An Educational Video Telling You All About The Dead Sea Scrolls Below Following Article "Scrolls 2000 Years Old Prove The Bible"!

"Does Archeology Support The Bible?"
Have you ever wondered what archaeological evidence exists for the Old and New Testament? In this video, the highly esteemed archaeology expert , Dr. Randall Price, will take you on a truly biblical adventure filled with rare artifacts, incredible stories and memorable perspective.
You can learn more from Dr. Randall Price. He is the Founder and President of World of the Bible Ministries. He also is a Distinguished Research Professor and the Executive Director for the Center of Judaic Studies at Liberty University.
The Bible is made up of dozens of books, but tradition has it that the first five books were dictated to Moses, by God. But could Moses have really written down the words that God spoke, including the Ten Commandments? The Bible says that millions of people witnessed this event—but what does archaeology say? Find out by watching the show below from the
TV series THE NAKED ARCHAEOLOGIST by award-winning filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici!
As we learned above, the Dead Sea Scrolls are fragments of holy writings from the time of Jesus and the Second Temple’s Destruction. But who wrote them? Forensic analysis of ancient toilets may answer this question once and for all. Watch the show below to find out what the forensic analysis had to say. From the TV series THE NAKED ARCHAEOLOGIST by award-winning filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici.
Amazing Archaeological Discoveries Recently Made in Jerusalem
A public persentation by Paul Billington (Bible Magazine Editor, Christadelphian) after visiting Jerusalem, Israel, showing remarkable recent discoveries made in the City of David. Includes a presentation of current findings by chief Archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar and interview with her, both from the Jerusalem Conference. See for yourself thrilling new evidence which confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible!
Forbidden Archeology - Secret Discoveries of Early Man - Full Feature
It's Indiana Jones meets The X-Files in this intriguing program that tackles the age-old question "Where did we come from?" Fascinating viewing! Highly recommended! - Michael Rogers, "Library Journal"
The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx present a revolutionary new film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Man's origins. Hosted by Charlton Heston, this film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored.
Includes the facts about this amazing mystery and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, and the best known, most credible authorities in the world today.
This first seminar is given by Joseph Holden entitled "Archaeology and the Bible: What Stones Tell Us About the Reliability of Scripture". Presented at the Veritas Apologetics Conference on May 7, 2011 at Mt. Airy Bible Church (mabcmd.org) in conjunction with Veritas Seminary (veritasseminary.com)
"Mountain of Fire: More About The Biblical Mount Sinai"
"The Stones Of Israel"
Digging Through the Bible: David and Goliath - http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/132486
Among biblical figures whose existence has been attested by archaeology or other preserved ancient records are the following: http://www.ucg.org/booklets/BT/archaeology-people-bible.asp
Influential archeologists in Israel are declaring that archeology has proved "the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on the 12 tribes of Israel," and "the empire of David and Solomon never existed." At the same time, other leading archeologists strongly disagree, assuring us that such claims "are either grossly misleading, illogical, disingenuous or all three."
Can the Old Testament be trusted for its historical account and does archeology provide evidence for its accuracy. What does the evidence say? Dr. Patton has personally investigated the claims and presents the evidence in a way that will allow you to draw your own conclusions.
Dr. Patton has a broad educational background; four years at Florida College, Temple Terrace, FL (Bible); two years at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN (Geology); two years at Indiana Univ./Purdue Univ., Indianapolis, IN (Geology); two years, Pacific School of Graduate Studies. He has worked as Geologist in US, Canada, Australia, England, Mexico, Peru, bolvia, Cambodia, Israel, and Jordan. Dr. Patton has participated in dinosaur excavations in Colorado, Texas, Utah, Wyoming and Canada. He is credited with excavating the longest consecutive dinosaur trail in North America, totaling 157 tracks, extending over 500 feet. He is a member of the Geological Society of America and was a speaker at their 1997 annual convention. Dr. Patton lectures at universities accross the United States. He has conducted up to twelve Creation/Evolution Seminares a year for twenty five years. He has participated in numerous public debates on creation/evolution including radio and TV debates. He has testified three times before Texas State Textbook Committe, Austin, TX. Presently, Dr. Patton is consulting geologist & partner in Mazada Corporation, Dallas, TX. He is a staff geologist of the Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, TX, staff geologist for the Qumran Plateau excavation in Israel, an area supervisor at the City of David excavation in Jerusalem and charman of the Metroplex Institute of Origon Science. He preaches for the Melrose church of Christ in Richardson, Texas.
Has the resting place of Noah's Ark actually been found? The answer is a resounding YES! The following two documentaries are detailed accounts of this astounding archaeological discovery! The documentary to the left is both Part I & Part II from American Media.
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The documentary to the right is another documentary covering the finding of noah's ark in the "mountains of Ararat" just as the Bible states! This discovery was actually found in Turkey and as you'll see in this documentary, the expedition team uses metal detectors and carbon dating in attempts to gain insight into its structure and an approximate age of the vessel.
More documentaries will be added over time as I find them and as more discoveries come to light, so stay tuned and check back every so often! May YHVH Bless you all abundantly!